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   Sold Antiques

   IM-10164 - Book of Hours Leaf with elaborate borders - c. 1490



IM-10164: (160x110mm) Original leaf from a manuscript Book of Hours. 20 lines of text, ruled in red, written in Latin in angular gothic book-hand script on animal vellum. Elaborate colorful panel borders in acanthus & floral motifs  (including roses, thistles and columbine) on liquid gold ground.   France: Rouen; Use of Rouen, c. 1490.

This leaf continues the popular medieval prayer of indulgence O Intemerata: "Suam..." (by thy favors and prayers, absolve me from all sins, through which I have displeased him: bestowing upon me true humility, true mildness, grace and obedience, and an increase of faith, hope, and charity with perseverance, guarding me from falling back into sin and from the temptations of the devils of the world and of the flesh, so that I do not serve further the devils whom I have served in the multitudes of my wickednesses, namely, in pride, vainglory, covetousness, envy, wrath, gluttony, sloth, luxury, and the countless other sins of omission by which I have sinned and have caused others to sin. Through my sin, my sin, my most grievous sin. Because of these sins I have lost the kingdom of heaven and the company of angels and as often as I have offended against thy most godly son, so often have I also delighted the worst devils and deserved eternal torments; so often through my sin, my sin, my most grievous sin. Therefore I beseech thee, Mother of God and perpetual ever virgin Mary, that thou obtain for me indulgence and remission of all those and other sins, whatever I have done, from him thy Son from whom all good things proceed, by whom all things are made, who also illuminates every person who comes into this world...).

Inventory Number: IM-10164


Charles Edwin Puckett
Contact   Charles or Teresa Puckett Phone: 330-668-0032
Period: Pre-1600
Date: c. 1490
Origin: France: Rouen
Condition: Excellent
Measurements: 160x110mm
Inventory Other Inventory by this Dealer
Price: Sold
E-mail: Inquire
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