IM-10507: (550 x 390mm 21 5/8 x 15 1/4'') Original manuscript leaf from a manuscript Antiphonal. This beautiful four-line stave musical sheet is on animal parchment, written in liturgical gothic script. Six lines of music and text. Italy (Bologna), c. 1470-80.
One exceptional illuminated initial ''E'' in red and green. The interior is a floral design in green, red, blue and sepia on a deep blue ground; the initial sets on a burnished gold ground and continues into the margin. Three illuminated initials alternating in red with delicate violet penwork and deep blue with delicate red penwork. Numerous initials heightened with yellow.
This leaf continues the Feast of St. Cecilia (patron saint of poets, singers and musicians). The illuminated ''E'' begins: "Est secretum..." (There is a secret, Valerian, which I wish to tell thee. I have an Angel of God for a lover, who guards my body with great jealousy). The illuminated "C" begins: ''Cecilia virgo...'' (The Maiden Cecilia overcame Almachius, and called Tiburtius and Valerian to crowns). The illuminated ''E'' begins: ''Expansis...'' (She spread forth her hands and prayed unto the Lord, that He would deliver her from her enemies).
Antiphonals contain chants for the canonical hours of the Divine Office: first vespers or the vigil of great feasts, matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers and compline. |