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   IM-9072: Printed & Hand-Illuminated Book of Hours Leaf - Master of Anne de Bretagne design



IM-9072: (185x122mm) Original leaf from an important printed and hand-illuminated Book of Hours. Ruled Latin text (French captions in panel borders) printed in red and black, on animal vellum. Initials, paragraph markers and endings illuminated by hand in gold, on grounds of blue and/or magenta. Printed by Philippe Pigouchet. The Master of Anne de Bretagne designed the metal cuts. Produced by Nicolas Higman for Simon Vostre in Paris, Use of Rome, c. 1512.         

Noted for its DECORATIVE BORDERS - the paneled surrounds relate the medieval concept of the Dance of Death – highlighting life’s inescapable conclusion by showing Death escorting various people including a Merchant, a Carthusian Monk and a Doctor.

Provenance: ex C.W. Dyson-Perrins collection   (noted English collector of the late 19th & early 20th centuries). Sold in 1927 at Sotheby’s London to Lord Harlech.

The two-line illuminated “M” begins Psalm 50 (King James 51) complete: “Miserere...” (Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy...). The two-line illuminated “T” begins the opening of Psalm 64 (KJ 65): “Te decet...” (A hymn, O God, becometh thee...).

Inventory Number: IM-9072


Charles Edwin Puckett
Contact   Charles or Teresa Puckett Phone: 330-668-0032
Period: Pre-1600
Date: c. 1512
Origin: Paris (Use of Rome)
Condition: IM-9072: (185x122mm) Original leaf from an important printed and hand-illuminated Book of Hours. Ruled Latin text (French captions in panel borders) printed in red and black, on animal vellum. Initials, paragraph markers and endings illuminated by hand in gold, on grounds of blue and/or magenta. Printed by Philippe Pigouchet. The Master of Anne de Bretagne designed the metal cuts. Produced by Nicolas Higman for Simon Vostre in Paris, Use of Rome, c. 1512. Noted for its DECORATIVE BORDERS - the paneled surrounds relate the medieval concept of the Dance of Death – highlighting life’s inescapable conclusion by showing Death escorting various people including a Merchant, a Carthusian Monk and a Doctor. Provenance: ex C.W. Dyson-Perrins collection (noted English collector of the late 19th & early 20th centuries). Sold in 1927 at Sotheby’s London to Lord Harlech. The two-line illuminated “M” begins Psalm 50 (King James 51) complete: “Miserere...” (Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy...). The two-line illuminated “T” begins the opening of Psalm 64 (KJ 65): “Te decet...” (A hymn, O God, becometh thee...).
Measurements: 185x122mm
Inventory Other Inventory by this Dealer
Price: SOLD
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