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Antiques for Sale > Books, Manuscripts & Autographs

We found 20 matching listings. Now displaying listings 1 to 20

Complete Book of Hours - circa 1475;  IM-9869: (117x81 mm), (HORAE B.M.V.) Illuminated liturgical manuscript in Latin, written in bâtarde script in brown ink, 15 ..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-12032 Exceptionally Large Medieval Bible Leaf with Stunning Illumination;  An original leaf from an exceptionally large folio size medieval manuscript Bible. Two columns of fifty lines, written in att..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-11799 - Book of Hours Leaf - Unusual Floral & Gemstone Motif in Borders;  IM-11799: (160 x 115mm – 6 ¼ x 4 ½’’) Original leaf from a manuscript Book of Hours. 25 lines of text, ruled in red, ..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-11798 - Book of Hours Leaf c. 1490 Whimsical Dragon-like Creature;  IM-11798: (160 x 115mm – 6 ¼ x 4 ½’’) Original leaf from a manuscript Book of Hours. 25 lines of text, ruled in red, ..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-11675 - Medieval Book of Hours Leaf - Elaborate Borders with Birds;  IM-11675: (170 x 120mm – 6 5/8 x 4 ¾’’) Original leaf from a medieval Book of Hours., 20 lines of ruled text, written..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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M-13324: 1778 ZATTA ATLAS – FIRST ITALIAN EDITION OF THE FAMED MITCHELL MAP OF NORTH AMERICA!;  M-13324: Zatta, Antonio. Storia dell’ America Settentrionale Del Signor Abate Raynal…in Venezia, Dalle Stampe Di Antoni..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-4608 - Illuminated Manuscript Cutting - Three Marys at the tomb - c. 1275;  IM-4608: (150x180mm) Original cutting from a highly illuminated manuscript Choir Book. Executed by hand on animal parchment ..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-1796 - Medieval Missal Leaf - Sano di Pietro - Adoration of the Magi;  (340x250mm) Original 15th century manuscript Missal leaf. Executed by hand in manuscript calligraphy on animal parchment. Two..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-10689 - Book of Hours Leaf, c. 1460-80 with miniature painting of David in Prayer;  IM-10689: (108 x 78mm) Original leaf from a medieval manuscript Book of Hours. Red-ruled for 14 lines of text, written in Lat..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-10685 - Missal Leaf for Easter Sunday with miniature painting of The Resurrection;  IM-10685: (230 x 170mm) Original leaf from a medieval manuscript Missal. 21 lines of Latin text, written in rotunda script in..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-4865 - Book of Hours Leaf with miniature of the Garden of Gethsemane;  IM-4865: (179x127mm) Original leaf from a medieval manuscript Book of Hours. 16 lines of red-ruled text, written in Latin wit..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-3300 - c. 1550 Gradual Title Leaf - Royal Workshop of Henri II;  (183x128mm) Original leaf from a Renaissance manuscript Gradual. Exceptional full-page miniature painting on animal vellum. ..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-1335 - c. 1440-50 Gregorian Chant - formerly in Dyson-Perrins collection;  IM-1335: (580x410mm � 22 � x 15 ���) Original manuscript leaf from an important mid 15th century Choirbook.  F..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-4607 - Miniature painting of Christ, St. Paul & Eleven Apostles - c. 1530;  IM-4607: (140x150mm) Beautiful original historiated initial excised from a highly illuminated manuscript Choir Book.  Ex..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-4203 - Hours Leaf - Madonna & Child - Playfair Hours Style;  IM-4203: (160x115 mm) Original leaf from a manuscript Book of Hours. 23 lines of red-ruled Latin text on animal vellum; lette..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-5255 - Prayerbook leaf with painting of Peter & Paul in style of the Master of the Dresden Prayerbook;  IM-5255: (Miniature: 35x25mm) Original miniature from a medieval Prayerbook on animal vellum. The miniature is cut to shape &..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-8875 - Medieval Bible leaf with miniature of David in prayer;  IM-8875: (288 x190 mm) Original leaf from a medieval manuscript folio Bible with illuminations from an artist identified by R..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-9336: Book of Hours and Calendar;  BOOK OF HOURS AND CALENDAR IM-9336:  Book of Hours, use of Rome, in Latin.  Paris, France:  Thielman Kerver, 1..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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A-988: Complete Set of Audubon's Birds of America - 1st 8vo edition;  A-988:  AUDUBON, John James. The BIRDS OF AMERICA, from Drawings made in the United States and their Territories. New Yo..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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IM-722: Psalter Prayerbook with elaborate borders;  IM-722: (165x135mm) Original leaf from a richly illuminated manuscript Psalter/ Prayer-book. 24 lines of Latin text. Written ..
Offered by: Charles Edwin Puckett
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